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From the JoshMeister Reviews: Movies and More

Welcome to the JoshMeister Reviews: Movies and More!

the JoshMeister Reviews is dedicated to providing honest, genuine reviews of movies and TV shows, as well as products and services.

All reviews on this site are written by the JoshMeister unless otherwise noted.

Who is the JoshMeister?

the JoshMeister (Joshua Long) is a real person: a parent, a podcaster, a public speaker, a computer security researcher, an influencer, a tech enthusiast, and a Latter-day Saint Christian. You can learn more about him at and follow him on Twitter (@theJoshMeister) and other social networks.

Josh seeks to write honest reviews to help real people, including fellow parents, make informed decisions about which media is worth consuming and which products and services are best to use.

What has the JoshMeister reviewed recently?

With more coming soon!

How can I get my film/product/service reviewed?

  • Contact theJoshMeister + reviews @ g mail . com (without the spaces)